Roo Walkabout Schedule Pick Up


We are having our ROO Walkabout on Tuesday, August 9th. Students and families may come to the WHS Ninth Grade Center from 3:00-7:30pm.

Student schedules with course names will be available in Skyward Family Access on Monday, August 8. Students may pick up a paper copy of their schedule which includes teacher names and room numbers on August 9th.  Students will have the opportunity to sign-up for lockers, visit the school nurse, and check out class locations with their schedule. We also invite you to sign up for our media resources available for this next school year.

Weatherford ISD is once-again participating in an on-line registration process this year through InfoSnap. Each student has received a personalized access code through email. The InfoSnap registration process must be completed in order for students to receive a paper schedule on August 9th.

If you cannot attend on the 9th please do not worry. We will have schedules available in the office after the 9th if you have completed the InfoSnap process.  If you have any questions, please contact our main office at 817.598.2847.

Thanks and we look forward to seeing you on the 9th from 3:00-7:30 PM.